The association Coop des Communs brings together activists, militants, researchers, and entrepreneurs from the Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE), from the world of the Commons and also from public stakeholders. We are convinced that alliances between Commons and SSE will foster the development of a collaborative economy, based on reciprocity. Together, Commons and SSE can bring – not residual solutions but- a true pillar for a sustainable development with plural views on economy.
We are willing to contribute to the construction of an ecosystem that put together co-built Commons and SSE, and also interested public stakeholders.
The Coop des Communs is an association of individuals, supported by committed legal persons. It develops concrete partnerships between the Commons and the SEE in order to:
- Boost research and talking about sectors in which the Commons can and must be deployed, but also about the modalities in which they operate;
- Promote citizen and economic labs in areas such as collaborative economy, health, education, energy transition, property sectors, cities;
- Demonstrate that one can use the Commons approach to provide common interest services on a democratic basis and widen the choice of public/private/Commons partnerships.
In order to achieve these goals, the Coop des Communs provides and deploys:
- Research and work studies giving rise to publications,
- Research-actions with the building of concrete projects with actors,
- Seminaries and conferences,
- Trainings, documentary database to document research
It formulates proposals to address public policies.
Its action is anchored in the French administrative framework. It exchanges a lot with similar practices in other countries and contributes to the raising of global proposals:
The Coop of Commons was created by Nicole Alix, Jean-Louis Bancel, Benjamin Coriat and Frederic Sultan.