Guido Smorto, professeur de droit comparé à Palerme, actuellement dans l’équipe de recherche Dimmons à Barcelone, a consacré un papier à une recherche critique sur l’économie collaborative.

Les propositions-clé (en anglais) :

• A lighter legal regime for those people who, occasionally and non-professionally, provide services via online platforms, is strongly desirable; at the same time, it is vital to give customers of the collaborative economy a legal protection comparable to business-to-consumer transactions;

• To tackle these risks while encouraging the flourishing of peer-to-peer activities, a complex strategy is suggested;

• First, it is recommendable to explore these non-regulatory alternatives offered by private entities, and formal and informal systems of regulation and enforcement should be put in place. In this perspective, collaborative platforms should be seen as both ruler and enforcer of such a self-regulatory regime, thus leveraging their selfgoverning capacity;

• While public regulation should be considered as a last resort, a significant part of the regulatory and enforcement process is still for the government, for those critical aspects that platforms cannot solve and/or have no interest to address: both market failures and other aspects (distribution, values);

• In all cases, a flexible approach with regard to both regulation and enforcement is strongly encouraged.

Cette étude  vient d’être publié par le Parlement européen, vous pouvez la télécharger ci dessous

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